
In my work day-to-day I develop in a Java backend. In my spare time I like to explore other technologies I find interesting. My learning rarely turns into real projects. Not that I expect them to, nor do I mind, but my Github does kinda remind me of a source code salvage yard. But like a salvage yard if you look around there are a some cool things laying around. Here's a few projects I'd like to highlight.

RSL logo

RSL-AZ Soccer App

Check it out in the app stores! It allows users to stay up to date with all things going on with the club. Facebook and email authentication, Google Maps integration, and Firebase Cloud Messaging.

  • Ionic 4
  • Angular 8
  • Firebase
  • Google API
  • Android
  • iOS
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Playing around with SSGs to build this site. Started with Hugo, moved to GatsbyJS. Current version is using Scully, the new Angular SSG. Built from the ground up. A real test for me to better grasp CSS, layouts, and styling

  • Angular 11
  • Scully
  • Netlify
  • JAMStack
  • CI/CD
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Found an awesome open source GatsbyJS template from HTML5 UP. A cool opportunity to explore React, GatsbyJS, and Netlify

  • React
  • GatsbyJS
  • Netlify
  • JAMStack
  • CI/CD
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Family Footprints AZ, LLC

This project was one of a couple where I looked into AWS to handle my static site management. It was super early in my frontend dev and I knew better than to try and build some thing from the ground up. Found a template on themeforest and adjusted it to what we needed

  • AWS S3
  • AWS CloudFront
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Southern Arizona Search & Rescue

The other project where I looked into AWS to handle my static site management. It was super early in my frontend dev and I knew better than to try and build some thing from the ground up. Found a template on themeforest and adjusted it to what we needed

  • AWS S3
  • AWS CloudFront